Модуль uri | Tarantool
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Модуль uri

The URI module provides functions that convert URI strings into their components, or turn components into URI strings, for example:

local uri = require('uri')

parsed_uri = uri.parse('https://www.tarantool.io/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/#api-reference')
- host: www.tarantool.io
  fragment: api-reference
  scheme: https
  path: /doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/

formatted_uri = uri.format({ scheme = 'https',
                             host = 'www.tarantool.io',
                             path = '/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/',
                             fragment = 'api-reference' })
- https://www.tarantool.io/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/#api-reference

You can also use this module to encode and decode arbitrary strings using the specified encoding options.

Below is a list of uri functions, properties, and related objects.

uri.parse() Получение таблицы URI-компонентов
uri.format() Construct a URI from the specified components
uri.escape() Encode a string using the specified encoding options
uri.unescape() Decode a string using the specified encoding options
uri.RFC3986 Encoding options that use unreserved symbols defined in RFC 3986
uri.PATH Options used to encode the path URI component
uri.PATH_PART Options used to encode specific path parts
uri.QUERY Options used to encode the query URI component
uri.QUERY_PART Options used to encode specific query parts
uri.FRAGMENT Options used to encode the fragment URI component
uri.FORM_URLENCODED Options used to encode application/x-www-form-urlencoded form parameters
Related objects  
uri_components URI components
uri_encoding_opts URI encoding options


Parse a URI string into components.

See also: uri.format()

  • uri-string (string) – a URI string

a URI components table (see uri_components)

тип возвращаемого значения:



local uri = require('uri')

parsed_uri = uri.parse('https://www.tarantool.io/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/#api-reference')
- host: www.tarantool.io
  fragment: api-reference
  scheme: https
  path: /doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/
uri.format(uri_components[, include_password])

Construct a URI from the specified components.

See also: uri.parse()

  • uri_components (table) – a series of name=value pairs, one for each component (see uri_components)
  • include_password (boolean) – specify whether the password component is rendered in clear text; otherwise, it is omitted

URI string

тип возвращаемого значения:



local uri = require('uri')

formatted_uri = uri.format({ scheme = 'https',
                             host = 'www.tarantool.io',
                             path = '/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/',
                             fragment = 'api-reference' })
- https://www.tarantool.io/doc/latest/reference/reference_lua/http/#api-reference
uri.escape(string[, uri_encoding_opts])

Since: 2.11.0

Encode a string using the specified encoding options.

By default, uri.escape() uses encoding options defined by the uri.RFC3986 table. If required, you can customize encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts optional parameter, for example:

  • Pass the predefined set of options targeted for encoding a specific URI part (for example, uri.PATH or uri.QUERY).
  • Pass custom encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts object.
  • string – a string to encode
  • uri_encoding_opts (table) – encoding options (optional, see uri_encoding_opts)

an encoded string

тип возвращаемого значения:


Example 1:

This example shows how to encode a string using the default encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

escaped_string = uri.escape('C++')
- C%2B%2B

Example 2:

This example shows how to encode a string using the uri.FORM_URLENCODED encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

escaped_string_url_enc = uri.escape('John Smith', uri.FORM_URLENCODED)
- John+Smith

Example 3:

This example shows how to encode a string using custom encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

local escape_opts = {
    plus = true,
    unreserved = uri.unreserved("a-z")
escaped_string_custom = uri.escape('Hello World', escape_opts)
- '%48ello+%57orld'
uri.unescape(string[, uri_encoding_opts])

Since: 2.11.0

Decode a string using the specified encoding options.

By default, uri.escape() uses encoding options defined by the uri.RFC3986 table. If required, you can customize encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts optional parameter, for example:

  • Pass the predefined set of options targeted for encoding a specific URI part (for example, uri.PATH or uri.QUERY).
  • Pass custom encoding options using the uri_encoding_opts object.
  • string – a string to decode
  • uri_encoding_opts (table) – encoding options (optional, see uri_encoding_opts)

a decoded string

тип возвращаемого значения:


Example 1:

This example shows how to decode a string using the default encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

unescaped_string = uri.unescape('C%2B%2B')
- C++

Example 2:

This example shows how to decode a string using the uri.FORM_URLENCODED encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

unescaped_string_url_enc = uri.unescape('John+Smith', uri.FORM_URLENCODED)
- John Smith

Example 3:

This example shows how to decode a string using custom encoding options.

local uri = require('uri')

local escape_opts = {
    plus = true,
    unreserved = uri.unreserved("a-z")
unescaped_string_custom = uri.unescape('%48ello+%57orld', escape_opts)
- Hello World


Encoding options that use unreserved symbols defined in RFC 3986. These are default options used to encode and decode using the uri.escape() and uri.unescape() functions, respectively.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode the path URI component.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode specific path parts.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode the query URI component.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode specific query parts.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode the fragment URI component.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:

Options used to encode application/x-www-form-urlencoded form parameters.

See also: uri_encoding_opts

тип возвращаемого значения:
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