| Tarantool

Since version 2.8.1.

The current state of synchronous replication.

In synchronous replication, transaction is considered committed only after achieving the required quorum number. While transactions are collecting confirmations from remote nodes, these transactions are waiting in the queue.

The following information is provided:

  • queue:

    • owner (since version 2.10.0) – ID of the replica that owns the synchronous transaction queue. Once an owner instance appears, all other instances become read-only. If the owner field is 0, then every instance may be writable, but they can’t create any synchronous transactions. To claim or reclaim the queue, use box.ctl.promote() on the instance that you want to promote. To clear the ownership, call box.ctl.demote() on the synchronous queue owner.

      When Raft election is enabled and replication.election_mode is set to candidate, the new Raft leader claims the queue automatically after winning the elections. It means that the value of becomes equal to When Raft is enabled, no manual intervention with box.ctl.promote() or box.ctl.demote() is required.

    • term (since version 2.10.0) – current queue term. It contains the term of the last PROMOTE request. Usually, it is equal to However, the queue term value may be less than the election term. It can happen when a new round of elections has started, but no instance has been promoted yet.

    • len – the number of entries that are currently waiting in the queue.

    • busy (since version 2.10.0) – the boolean value is true when the instance is processing or writing some system request that modifies the queue (for example, PROMOTE, CONFIRM, or ROLLBACK). Until the request is complete, any other incoming synchronous transactions and system requests will be delayed.

    • age (since version 3.2.0) – the time in seconds that the oldest entry currently present in the queue has spent waiting for the quorum to collect.

    • confirm_lag (since version 3.2.0) – the time in seconds that the latest successfully confirmed entry waited for the quorum to collect.

  • quorum – the resulting value of the replication.synchro_quorum configuration option. Since version 2.5.3, the option can be set as a dynamic formula. In this case, the value of the quorum member depends on the current number of replicas.

Example 1:

In this example, the quorum field is equal to 1. That is, synchronous transactions work like asynchronous ones. 1 means that a successful WAL writing to the master is enough to commit.

- queue:
    owner: 1
    confirm_lag: 0
    term: 2
    age: 0
    len: 0
    busy: false
  quorum: 1

Example 2:

Example on GitHub: box_info_synchro

In this example, there are two instances:

  • instance001 is going to be the leader.
  • instance002 is a follower instance.
              mode: rw
              synchro_quorum: 2
              synchro_timeout: 1000
              - uri: ''
              mode: ro
              - uri: ''

On the first instance, grant the user with the super role:

box_info_synchro:instance001> box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'super')

After that, use the box.ctl.promote() function to claim the queue:

box_info_synchro:instance001> box.ctl.promote()

Create a space named sync and enable synchronous replication on this space:

box_info_synchro:instance001> s ="sync", {is_sync=true})

Then, create an index:

box_info_synchro:instance001> _ = s:create_index('pk')

Check the current state of synchronous replication:

- queue:
    owner: 1
    confirm_lag: 0
    term: 2
    age: 0
    len: 0
    busy: false
  quorum: 2

On the second instance, simulate failure like if this instance would crash or go out of the network:

box_info_synchro:instance002> os.exit(0)
   ⨯ Connection was closed. Probably instance process isn't running anymore

On the first instance, try to perform some synchronous transactions. The transactions would hang, because the replication.synchro_quorum option is set to 2, and the second instance is not available:

box_info_synchro:instance001> fiber = require('fiber')
box_info_synchro:instance001> for i = 1, 3 do{i} end) end

Call the command on the first instance again:

- queue:
    owner: 1
    confirm_lag: 0
    term: 2
    age: 5.2658250015229
    len: 3
    busy: false
  quorum: 2

The len field is now equal to 3. It means that there are 3 transactions waiting in the queue.

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