Perl | Tarantool


The most commonly used Perl driver is tarantool-perl. It is not supplied as part of the Tarantool repository; it must be installed separately. The most common way to install it is by cloning from GitHub.

To avoid minor warnings that may appear the first time tarantool-perl is installed, start with installing some other modules that tarantool-perl uses, with CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:

$ sudo cpan install AnyEvent
$ sudo cpan install Devel::GlobalDestruction

Then, to install tarantool-perl itself, say:

$ git clone tarantool-perl
$ cd tarantool-perl
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update --recursive
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ sudo make install

Here is a complete Perl program that inserts [99999,'BB'] into space[999] via the Perl API. Before trying to run, check that the server instance is listening at localhost:3301 and that the space examples exists, as described earlier. To run, paste the code into a file named and say perl The program will connect using an application-specific definition of the space. The program will open a socket connection with the Tarantool instance at localhost:3301, then send an space_object:INSERT request, then — if all is well — end without displaying any messages. If Tarantool is not running on localhost with listen port = 3301, the program will print “Connection refused”.

use DR::Tarantool ':constant', 'tarantool';
use DR::Tarantool ':all';
use DR::Tarantool::MsgPack::SyncClient;

my $tnt = DR::Tarantool::MsgPack::SyncClient->connect(
  host    => '',                      # look for tarantool on localhost
  port    => 3301,                             # on port 3301
  user    => 'guest',                          # username. for 'guest' we do not also say 'password=>...'

  spaces  => {
    999 => {                                   # definition of space[999] ...
      name => 'examples',                      #   space[999] name = 'examples'
      default_type => 'STR',                   #   space[999] field type is 'STR' if undefined
      fields => [ {                            #   definition of space[999].fields ...
          name => 'field1', type => 'NUM' } ], #     space[999].field[1] name='field1',type='NUM'
      indexes => {                             #   definition of space[999] indexes ...
        0 => {
          name => 'primary', fields => [ 'field1' ] } } } } );

$tnt->insert('examples' => [ 99999, 'BB' ]);

The example program uses field type names ‘STR’ and ‘NUM’ instead of ‘string’ and ‘unsigned’, due to a temporary Perl limitation.

The example program only shows one request and does not show all that’s necessary for good practice. For that, please see the tarantool-perl repository.

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