Module luatest.helpers | Tarantool
Reference Rocks reference Luatest Module luatest.helpers

Module luatest.helpers

Collection of test helpers.

Return all combinations of parameters. Accepts params’ names and thier every possible value.

helpers.matrix({a = {1, 2}, b = {3, 4}})

  {a = 1, b = 3},
  {a = 2, b = 3},
  {a = 1, b = 4},
  {a = 2, b = 4},


  • parameters_values: (tab)

Keep calling fn until it returns without error. Throws last error if config.timeout is elapsed. Default options are taken from helpers.RETRYING_TIMEOUT and helpers.RETRYING_DELAY.

helpers.retrying({}, fn, arg1, arg2)
helpers.retrying({timeout = 2, delay = 0.5}, fn, arg1, arg2)


  • config:
    • timeout: (number)
    • delay: (number)
  • fn: (func)
  • …: args

Generates uuids from its 5 parts. Strings are repeated and numbers are padded to match required part length. If number of arguments is less than 5 then first and last arguments are used for corresponding parts, missing parts are set to 0.

'aaaaaaaa-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' == uuid('a')
'abababab-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' == uuid('ab', 1)
'00000001-0002-0000-0000-000000000003' == uuid(1, 2, 3)
'11111111-2222-0000-0000-333333333333' == uuid('1', '2', '3')
'12121212-3434-5656-7878-909090909090' == uuid('12', '34', '56', '78', '90')


  • a: first part
  • …: parts
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